Remade, but was it necessary?

Perhaps apropos of nothing -- which is what I say when I'm about to discuss something of little or no importance -- I notice that a new version of MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS will be issued to theaters Nov. 10. Directed by and starring Kenneth Branagh as Agatha Christie's iconic Belgian detective Hercule Poirot, this production promises a "stylish and suspenseful" viewing experience, as proclaimed by its promotional material, and it no doubt will be all it sets out to do. But considering the equally lavish adaptation of "Murder on the Orient Express" that appeared just over four decades ago, was another version of the tale all that necessary? I have a different take on remakes of movies. They generally fascinate me until I see them, and I am left with the conclusion that the original version was better. New ideas introduced into the remake are okay with me, particularly if they show signs of originality or offer another take on what was so excellent abo...